Hair Growth Pomade
This luxurious hair pomade will strengthen your hair and help with growth. Continued use will sustain current hair length and promote hair growth. The following are ingredients utilized in making this amazing hair growth pomade:
- Burdock Root: Burdock root oil contains vitamin A, which can help nourish the scalp and strenthen hair. The burdock root has been used in traditional medicine for detoxifying the system and purifying the blood. In addition to promoting hair growth, burdock root oil helps with scalp irritation issues, dandruff, and itchy scalp.
- Lavender Black Jamaican Castor Oil: Black Castor oil for hair growth with a a touch of lavender essential oil produces a healing effect on the skin and helps to nourish the scalp.
- Macademia Butter: The fatty acid content is the real winner for skin and hair. Those fatty acids help to add shine, strengthen, and nourish the hair follicles, which in turn fight off hair loss and brittle strands. Macadamia oil is great for calming the hair of frizz, tangles, and dullness.
-Hemp Seed Oil: Hemp oil also helps to enhance the growth of hair on the scalp in a number of ways. Among these is through the Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids, which are necessary in stimulating growth. Hair is made of keratin, up to 90% of which is a protein.
- Lanolin: Oils are primarily made of fatty acids, while lanolin is primarily made of esters of fatty acids, cholesterol, and alcohols. This is the characteristic of lanolin that people use for natural hair care. This trapping of water is what helps lanolin oil moisturize natural hair.
- Tangerine Essential Oil: Tangerine essential oil also works for hair because of its antiseptic properties and helps treat dandruff, dry scalp and other scalp infections.